So, if you all haven’t read already on our Youtube page, we recently had a massive overhaul of our team.  The end result?  A lot of empty positions and projects that hung in the balance.  But, in a good light, we were able to see who really was still with the team, and who no longer wanted/had time to be.

This being said, we had to decide which projects we’d still be pursuing and which had to be dropped for lack of staff.  And so, this list stands:

  • Unbelievable Outing is still going.  We’ve managed to keep one Korean translator to help us finish, and we should be done with the last few episodes within the next 2-3 months.
  • I know everyone was excited about this, but we had to drop plans for Infinity Challenge.  We just don’t have the time and staff to be able to take it on right now, though we still hope we can in the future.
  • Even though we’ve dropped Infinity Challenge, we are still taking on another variety show… WE GOT MARRIED!!  PLEASE NOTE THOUGH: we are only doing the missing couple cuts from episodes 45 to 48.  We are NOT taking up the show for the long-run.
  • For everyone who’s been asking, 18 Jin Bu Jin is still a go.  We’re currently almost done with episode 10, and are now working on episode 11.
  • Because our Chinese translator is diligently working on 18 JBJ, Butterfly Lovers will be on hold until we complete it.
  • 100% Senorita has been dropped because it is already being worked on by another, very dedicated subber [danseurella@youtube]
  • And lastly, the Japanese show that we wanted to tackle has also been dropped since we no longer have a Japanese translator.

With all the gaps on our team, we are still looking for staff!!  Most needed positions right now are:

  • Korean, Chinese, and Japanese translators
  • Timers
  • Encoders/Uploaders [would be extremely helpful if you know how to typeset]

As before, apply through the application on this WordPress, via our Youtube page, or by registering and applying at the forum thread [links on the side bar].

Thanks everyone for your continued patience!

~ Shukumei  //  Co-Founder